
Tredegar Town Council hold their meetings twice a month, on the first and third Wednesday, hybrid via Teams/in the Council Chamber at Bedwellty House in Tredegar. At these meetings the Council discuss correspondence received; issues raised to them by their Ward constituents; grant applications; and planning matters relating to the Tredegar area.

Only during the month of August are there no meetings. Various outside bodies such as Blaenau Gwent Local Health Board give presentations at these meetings outlining their future plans affecting Tredegar and the local Police Inspector attends on a quarterly basis to discuss issues affecting Tredegar.

A notice - Agenda - of the meetings are placed in the Town Council notice board located in the court yard of Bedwellty House and copies are sent to local newspapers and library. These notices will also list anyone from an outside body attending to give a presentation. These meetings are open to the public. Minutes of past meetings are available on this website and from the local library.

Committee Membership and Terms of Reference